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Getting Ready for New Chapter of Life

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

It is so proud and happy that today is the final deadline of Master program capstone projects submission. I feel so relieved and excited for my graduation. I am the first MA student in my family in this generation. I am very proud to achieve such a great accomplishment. I hope I could share my journey with all interested fellow students and friends.

Today I have accidentally encountered the data of California. To my surprises, the Education sector in California is only 34.7%. I feel fortunate to be surrounded by many bachelor degree holders and many post-secondary graduate degree holders. These data is from U.S. Census Bureau. Regarding Income and Poverty, I wish I could be able to make that salary as the Median Household Income reported to be $78,672. In my eyes, California's economy has always been vigorously blooming since we have so many big tech companies. Yet, when I visited Boston this summer, I felt another aspects of life as the city contains most colleges in the United States.

Tropical Storm Kay has already landed in the Southern California. I feel the yellowish and grey air blowing all the tree leaves and branches. The air is humid and heavy. So-Cal has just experienced heat waves this past week. As of now, it is preparing for the coming of Kay. Wish everyone could stay safe and take good care of themselves and family and friends.

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